Saturday, February 1, 2020

Why a Black Would Chose Conservatism over Liberalism Essay

Why a Black Would Chose Conservatism over Liberalism - Essay Example As the report declares liberals and conservatives share the same political principles, differing only in degree. While both believe in public and private sector, liberals call for a larger government than do the conservatives. Conservatives rely on religion and tradition while liberalism believes in science and collectivism. A study conducted by the Bay Area Center For Voting Research shows that the liberals remaining in the nation are the African Americans although the black Church is supposed to be ‘conservative’. This research stresses that conservatism is a state of mind and a type of character; it is a way of looking at the social order. It has a set of traditional principles and philosophy. Conservatism calls for personal responsibility as one part of the social contract and understands the importance of collective responsibility. Relationship has to be built with everyone and not by creating a mental discrimination that they are oppressed by the whites. The blacks need to remove this mental block from their minds. The blacks are interested in conserving their past. They were denied emancipation and integration; they were taxed without representation and denied access to education too. Through various governments, from Ronald Reagan to George Bush, they always remained INFERIOR; they were blamed for crimes and drugs, and suffered inhuman treatment. Conservatism in the black community is widely associated with white racism.

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