Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay On Mortgage - 1000 Words

So, you have been hearing about the historically low- interest rate buzz for refinancing your mortgage over the last several years, and now you have decided it is your turn to take advantage of these offers. Where do you start? First thing you want to do is look at your financial mortgage health and make sure you are really to make that leap. What is your financial mortgage health in refinancing your mortgage it is a set of questions that your mortgage company is going to ask, and you want to have the right answers for this test. These questions are: 1. Have I been employed for the last two years at the same employer without any breaks in employment? 2. Is my current debt at a minimum level not more than 30% of my total credit limits?†¦show more content†¦What are points and origination fees? These are fees that the mortgage company will charge to increase their yield of profit for the loan it is usually from one to three percent of the mortgage amount you are seeking. Being that you are current customer, and probably already paid it the first time that you took out the mortgage you should expect to have these fees waived or drastically reduced. This is the whole purposed of calling your current mortgage company first to save money. The representative will attempt to have you to start the loan application at that point now that they were friendly and courteous to you and gave you all of the parameters on what to expect in refinancing your mortgage. Be polite, and let them know that you need a day to think this information over, and that you will call the mortgage company back to start the process in the next few days. The representative that you are speaking is not on commission so dont worry that you have just wasted their time. Answering your questions is what they are paid by the mortgage company to do. If the quote that you have received is competitive you will be calling them back, and starting the mortgage refinancing process any way you just want to make sure of the information. Next step is to do a little shopping around so open up that computer there are variety of mortgage companies, and banks out there looking to get your business. As you surf their websites you will see mortgage companies that areShow MoreRelatedMortgage Crisis Essay1125 Words   |  5 Pageslimiting an applicant’s debt-to-income ratio present any mortgage credit availability issues? (Narrative) I believe that limiting an applicant’s debt-to-income ratio could present mortgage credit availability issues. Limiting an applicant’s debt-to-income ratio ultimately means limiting the amount of debt someone can take on. This in turn limits the level of demand for loans. Over the past few years, I have taken a personal interest to the mortgage market. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

How Stress Affects Everyone Regardless Of Their...

Stress affects everyone regardless of their background, ethnicity, gender or personality. These factors can be important to detect how vulnerable a person is to stress. Williams and Cooper use the four-way model to describe how stress works (2002, 6). In this model, coping mechanisms, sources of pressure, personality and positive/negative effects are all connected to each other. Personality is the main block that faces both the pressure and the coping mechanisms. From there, a person could either get affected negatively and be stressed, or get positive effects out of the situation and reach to the growth phase (Williams Cooper, 2002, 7). Stress is in people`s lives from the very first moment that they are able to perceive and understand the social standards. Since people spend most of their life time at work dealing with many responsibilities, there are many stressors created in the workplace. According to Matteson and Ivancevich, life without the right amount of stress would not be motivating or exciting (1982, 11). However, high amount of stress is costly for both the employee and the employer. The commercial costs of stress at work include sickness absence, poor service, legal claims, insurance claims, staff turnover, low productivity, poor quality, lack of innovation, low morale, bad working relationships, poor decision-making and accidents (Williams Cooper, 2002, 35). It is crucial to understand the workplace stressors; by doing so, effective coping strategies canShow MoreRelatedCompetence in Counseling Essay1574 Words   |  7 Pagesinstruction given in direction the judgment or conduct of another. Knowing ho w to posses personal qualities such as maturity, empathy, warmth, understanding, and knowledge. From a legal stand point ethics, morality, and law must be strongly conformed. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Representation Of The American Dream Film Studies Essay Free Essays

â€Å" Independence Day † is a movie directed by Roland Emmerich WHAT HAPPENED RELEASED? ? ? in 1996, which shows the planet under an foreign onslaught, where the U.S. is the centre of the job and the state that saves the universe. We will write a custom essay sample on Representation Of The American Dream Film Studies Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In relation to this movie several elements can be analyzed belonging to the American civilization. One of the most important is The American Dream. An ideal of American civilization that is based on democracy and equality and aims to keep the public assistance of society, in order to accomplish the fulfilment of the dreams of its members. Based on this, the inquiry that this paper attempts to reply is: To what extent the film â€Å" Independence Day † directed by Roland Emmerich reflects the American dream? In this paper is exposed how there is a relationship between The American Dream as a cultural component that represents an American ideal and the book of the movie, where elements, the movie nowadayss such as leading, equality in footings of race, gender and societal context, and the image of a perfect democracy REPRESENT THIS FEATURE. So we can see IN THIS WAY that the movie represents to a great extent and really clearly the American Dream, because it reaffirms the cardinal function of American civilization on a planetary context by exposing the values aˆâ€ ¹aˆâ€ ¹of the American Dream as the state defends the planet from the Alien onslaught, it besides brings these values aˆâ€ ¹aˆâ€ ¹to a planetary context as it takes the independency Day as a jubilation of planetary importance, and demoing America as a state where the dreams of an full state and its members are fulfilled. Word count: 262 Introduction Nowadays The United States is one of the most influential states in the planetary context, taking into history its economic and military power. However its importance worldwide is besides due to their civilization, a civilization that has strongly expanded in the Western Hemisphere by distributing a set of imposts, traditions and ideals. Among the strongest and representative ideals of American civilization is what is known as â€Å" The American Dream † , a construct that has transcended through history and has strongly consolidated American civilization by demoing that in this state people can accomplish an ideal life style where all of its members fulfill their dreams in a state that enforces their rights and public assistance. Taking this into history it is of import to analyse how these ideals are represented and displayed as portion of American civilization by concentrating on a specific cultural artefact, in this instance the movie â€Å" Independence Day † directed by Roland Emmerich released on 1996. Roland Emmerich is a German movie manager, film writer and manufacturer known by his scientific discipline fiction productions which normally show humanity under ruinous and hazardous state of affairss. That is why on â€Å" Independence Day † a ruinous context can be seen a context in which Planet Earth is under an Alien onslaught and places The United States in the centre of the calamity and as a state that puts all of its attempts to salvage the planet. The purpose of this paper is to demo: To what extent the movie â€Å" Independence Day † directed by Roland Emmerich reflects the American Dream. For this IT IS NECESSARY TO analyse the construct of The American Dream as portion of their civilization in relation to the elements that the movie shows, an analysis of the book by demoing the different state of affairss and characters, and an analysis of the symbols used throughout the movie. THE AMERICAN DREAM AS REPRESENTATION OF THEIR CULTURE The construct of the American Dream was introduced by James Truslow Adams in his book â€Å" The Epic America † , where he talks about this construct as a societal ideal representative of American civilization, which seeks equality in footings of chances and a comfy life style for everyone, based on a proper usage of democracy to accomplish it. â€Å" The American dream is the cultural look of North American individuality and, even if it was on occasion transformed into the American incubus, it remains one of the most motivative forces of American civilisation and a still feasible item of American exceptionalism. † ( Stiuliuc, 2011 ) . Harmonizing to this, Diana Stiuliuc in her text â€Å" The American Dream as the Cultural Expression of North American Identity † claims that the American Dream despite the different readings that may hold, will ever mention to the American civilization as a alone factor that represents the American national individuality. Taking t hese definitions into history we can see how this concepts fit the American civilization, because it is based on democracy and equality, constructs that were consolidated as portion of that civilization since they were mentioned in the American fundamental law and the declaration of Independence. On the other manus, mentioning to Ferdinand Lasalle who said on his book â€Å" On the kernel of fundamental laws † ( YEAR ) that civilization is related with public consciousness, we can see a relationship between the Constitution and civilization. It means that the fundamental law has to reflect the facets of society that are determined by their imposts, their morality, their thoughts about good and evil and in general all sort of facets that represent the members of a society, in order to do people place with the fundamental law and really obey the Torahs. Harmonizing to this and concentrating in the film, it is important to stand out some constructs that clearly reflect The American Dream because they are based on democracy and equality, the construct of The United States as a state with a perfect democracy, a multicultural state and a planetary leader. Analysis OF THE SCRIPT Throughout the movie America is depicted in many ways as a theoretical account of democracy. Several thoughts present in the authoritative paperss mentioned appear as constructs in the movie ‘s secret plan, there are chiefly four thoughts represented in the movie, they are: America depicted as a progressive state, America depicted as a land in which ends can be fulfilled with adequate attempt, America as a state in which peace and the due procedures are a precedence, and America as a state which authorization comes from the consent of the governed. America is shown as a progressive state in footings of its political construction, as the film shows how the state is worried about societal advancement and public assistance. One of the chief characters in the movie is the President who takes on many functions depending on the state of affairss he faces throughout the movie ; one of these functions is that of a immature yet wise politician. In the movie America is shown as a land in which young person is non a hinderance in footings of wisdom. This is shown at the beginning of the movie when the President ‘s communicating manager Constance Halbrook, another of import character, shows the intelligence to the President reasoning that people are assailing non his policies but his age. Other types of progressive thought are shown throughout the film such as the presence of argument and protest among the citizens. The President is shown as a human being despite his function as a hero, if he is non defeated at the terminal of the movie, it is due to his art as a politician and soldier alternatively of a set of particular abilities built-in to himself. Protestors are shown when US constabularies and military forces take topographic point near to the Alien ships. And argument is implied in occasional Television broadcasts shown as secondary secret plan devices. America is depicted as a land in which dreams can be fulfilled throughout the full movie. Almost each character starts his or her journey with a certain defeat, David failed as a scientist, Constance failed in her old relationship with David, Steven could non acquire a occupation in NASA and Jasmine struggles with maintaining her household together. At the terminal of the movie after each character is forced to turn and has to set immense attempts in developing their accomplishments or traveling through great hazard, is able to carry through his or her ends, David and Steve win in their onslaught to the foreigner ship, Constance and Jasmine are able to set their households together. America is besides shown as a peaceable state that wo n’t assail unless it is attacked foremost. After Alien ships are positioned over each major metropolis in the United States the President gives the order to near them in a peaceable manner by holding a group of choppers get near to one of the infinite ships and air a welcome message. Following an violative by the Aliens the President gives the order of a countermove. Besides it is implied at several minutes that America is a state that respects the domination of others, it is merely after the United States domination is threatened that unfastened war Begins. This is closely related to the thought mentioned before that America is a state in which authorization comes from the consent of the governed. Most scenes in the film show scenarios of political life, Television arguments, the Oval Office, the White House and so on, democracy is a cardinal subject to the film. A really representative minute of this thought is when the President decides to fix a atomic onslaught merely after having a message from the Aliens that describes their method ; Foreigners are compared to locusts, their kernel is that of the exact antonym to the freedom of a democratic authorities. Some of the mentioned thoughts have a analogue in authoritative paperss. The 5th amendment of the United States fundamental law references â€Å" due procedure † as one of the chief constituents of justness in the United States ; this thought is re-enacted several times during the movie. â€Å" Nor shall be compelled in any condemnable instance to be a informant against himself, nor be deprived of life, autonomy, or belongings, without due procedure of jurisprudence † . ( U.S fundamental law. Amendment. 5 ) . The Declaration Of Independence provinces that the beginning of authorization of each state should be the consent of the governed and non the autocratic regulation of a sovereign, and that thought is reflected in the film as it shows the concerns of the president anytime he is doing a determination that may or may non profit people. Another ill-famed thought is the representation of America as a multicultural state. Different genders and ethnicities are shown in the film busying different of import functions, as it is an thought of equality that reaffirms The American Dream. Scientists are shown as people from Caucasic, Asiatic and Afro-american descent every bit good as one of the chief characters, David, who is clearly of Judaic descent. Womans have of import functions during the movie excessively, Constance and Margaret, the First Lady, are shown as brave and dedicated adult females among the universe of political relations, and Jasmine is shown as a strong adult female and female parent willing to make what it takes in order to last and protect her household. It is of import to advert about this component of the movie what Hanson said on her work â€Å" American Dream in the twenty-first Century † an thought that shows a close relationship between the movie and the American Dream. â€Å" The American Dream represents a province of head that is an digesting optimism given to a people who might be tempted to yield to the parturiencies of hardship, but who, alternatively, repeatedly rise from the ashes to go on to construct a great state. † ( Hanson, White, 2011 ) . Soldiers that are one of the chief constituents of the secret plan are besides from different cultural backgrounds. There is representation of Caucasians, African-Americans and Latinos, each individual is compelled to contend for the independency of the United States irrespective of their cultural background or business as is chiefly shown with Russell a husbandman who is considered brainsick and intoxicated during most of the movie but turns into a hero by the terminal. Both the 15th and 19th amendments to the United States fundamental law support gender and race diverseness by protecting the right to vote of people from all genders and ethnicities. This thought is an indispensable portion of The American Dream and their civilization, and is hence represented in the movie repeatedly. Aside from that, it is of import to advert how the military forces of the United States of America are shown throughout the movie. Military forces are of import since they are the first establishment of the American authorities to look in the movie after the foreigners have appeared and have been identified, they are the first group to confront the menace and set research and analysis into gesture. They are besides the first 1s to set up a defensive stance towards the encroachers. This is shown in the film since a Pentagon functionary who discovers the Aliens presence takes as first step the action of citing the Secretary of Defense. A really outstanding thought shown in the movie is the American place in respects of struggle against enemies. It is really of import to stand out their function as negotiants and a peaceable society at the beginning of the movie, they ab initio will non assail unless they are attacked. In the movie, the first attack to the foreigners by the American authorities is a peaceable 1. After this peaceable effort goes awfully incorrect and the foreigners onslaught, the ground forces is given the green visible radiation to revenge. This response as we mentioned before was of class more than ready. This peaceable characteristic of the American society has every bit good analogues in the official paperss. In the Declaration Of Independence, it is stated that the King of England had attacked foremost by puting military personnels in American district even in times of peace. It besides says that America will remain in peace with all its Alliess and friends but will be in war with any enemy. Making an analysis of the chief characters ‘ points of position we can see that they ever keep an attitude of courage and enthusiasm. First of all we can see how the President ever keeps a courageous image and is ne’er afraid or intimidated by the Aliens ; he is ever present at every minute, declining any invitation to a shelter and making everything possible for his state. This thought is reinforced when he decides to be a member of the concluding violative combat like any other soldier. Another component depicted in the movie that reinforces this thought of America as a peaceful and caring state yet ready to conflict, is how solidarity is an indispensable feature of all characters ‘ personality. This thought is conspicuously shown one time once more in the President. He is invariably shown as a loving household adult male. He appears for the first clip during the movie while having a call from his married woman and being with his girl. He stays with his girl throughout the full movie and has his married woman in head. On the other manus, David is shown as a character attached to moral unity, an conservationist ever concerned about taking attention of the planet and the greater good. He is because of that the first 1 to travel against the determination of establishing a atomic assault. Another recurrent subject in the movie is the word picture of the United States as a technological ace power. Scientists are during the narrative more than support characters, they are heroes. Since the beginning of the movie scientific installations are shown. In fact the first character to look in the movie is a scientist. The movie goes back and Forth between political and scientific scenarios in which all characters interact. America displays power in the movie through political relations, the ground forces and engineering. All these three scenarios are closely intertwined and together organize what makes the United States a ace power in the movie. As mentioned, scientific discipline appears in the movie really early. The first image is a shooting of the American flag placed on the Moon demoing one of the biggest accomplishments of humanity in footings of infinite geographic expedition. Then it continues by picturing a scene of a High-tech installation in which scientists discover for the first clip the presence of the Alien encroachers. The importance of scientific discipline in the film non merely as a tool of endurance but as an icon of American pride is reinforced every clip that characters face an obstruction in footings of engineering. Very early in the movie a member of the armed forces is aggravated when an employee of the Pentagon admits that they are confused about what is traveling on. Another characteristic of the movie related to the word picture of engineering is the manner that other states ‘ engineering is represented. Iraq and Russia are shown as states in ruins after the foreign onslaught, the Russian orbiter is shown as old and is instantly destroyed, it is implied that the lone web the Aliens usage is the American 1. David is hence the most of import character in the movie in footings of engineering. His personal journey goes from being a scientist who failed professionally despite his surveies and intelligence to being the 1 who discovers the foreigner communicating system and the 1 who learns how to destruct their defences. David is the mastermind who represents the true power of America which is non the beastly show of force but the usage of cognition, engineering and advancement. It is because of him that the universe has to follow America ‘s lead during conflict. Another really outstanding representation of America in the movie is that of the state being shown as a brave and resilient state. Americans are shown as heroes who overcome hardship no affair how strong their oppositions may be, ever willing to support themselves and their people, American scientists, politicians and soldiers seem to be utterly resilient and indestructible. That characteristic though is non shown as the get downing point of the movie, in fact, America ‘s most powerful metropoliss are destroyed and all of their military attempts are rendered useless before the onslaught is successful exposing a narrative of heroes who had to give everything in order to win and who to be able to support their freedom had to trust on their courage merely. Indeed America is shown as the â€Å" Land of The Free and the Home of The Brave † many times during the film. The figures of the President and the First Lady are illustrations of bravery, unwilling to conceal, both decide to remain with the people of America during the foreigner onslaughts even after they are offered protection. The First Lady ‘s forfeit is hence the ultimate show of courage and will to defy against the oppressors. Even right before her decease she is shown as a warrior who has set her head on the lone end of supporting her state even at the point of give uping her life, she says she trusts her hubby ‘s capablenesss in winning the conflict turning her decease into the traveling force of the President ‘s finding to win. The President is so the most of import figure of courage and resiliency. Not merely he is challenged in footings of his occupation he is besides personally attacked and has his household destroyed before he can stand against the foreigners. This mixture of professional and personal duty comes together in his function as a soldier. The President is besides a soldier with particular abilities in the Fieldss of air combat, he personally leads the concluding conflict against the foreigners, because of this ground he is cardinal to America ‘s triumph, he embodies the might of the State, the courage of Americans and the people ‘s will to defy and boom through great attempts. Other chief characters are symbols of bravery and resiliency. Russell is the everyman who even after being described as a bad male parent and mediocre adult male saves the twenty-four hours by demoing that nil else is more of import than functioning his state and carry throughing his responsibilities as an American soldier, the President grants him the position of hero, because of this ground Russell receives the blessing of his household and in malice of his old failure he turns into a hero because of his courage and willing to give. Steven is besides the soldier who is willing to lose everything if it is for his state and his loved 1s. His motives are carry throughing his dream of being an spaceman, functioning his state and protecting the household he wants to organize with Jasmine. He puts himself at great hazard by being a portion of the stealing mission to destruct the enemy defence and does it without any vacillation. The same goes for David who as a member of this mission risks everything in name of the things he believes in, he is shown as an conservationist who would make anything in order to salvage his state. Jasmine on the other manus shows another type of opposition. She is the 1 that as a chief character represents the people of America. The mundane combatant, the passionate female parent, she can merely defy by making what every civilian can make, being brave and swearing her province leaders. This is another outstanding characteristic of the movie. Peoples are shown as hopeless yet courageous citizens, they do n’t hold the strength to contend against the foreigners but do so by seting their trust in their authorities. The American civilians have anyhow a common feature with the military and authorities their failing that turns into courage and eventually triumph. Then war is non between two every bit powerful oppositions, worlds are evidently outnumbered and overpowered. Their machines and arms are shown as bantam following to the immense arms of the foreigners, even the concluding arm against their defences is bantam, a computing machine virus, demoing that intelligence, bravery and forfeit are worth more than natural force. Use OF SYMBOLS One of the most outstanding symbols shown in the film is the address given by the President to the soldiers prior to the conflict against the foreigners, where non merely are displayed loyal ideals but besides America is depicted as a state that to the full represents the promises of the American dream. One of the chief symbolic mentions is the declaration of the 4th of July as a world-wide jubilation widening the thought of The United States national independency to the full universe declaring that manner that the ideals of the American revolution and its independency values are applicable to the full universe and should hence be celebrated by all states since they represent what is good for every state. This mention to the 4th of July, which is of class a chief thought in the movie sing its relevancy in relation to the rubric, topographic points America as the leader of the universe. The United States authorities and its military establishments are the 1s to get down and take the onslaught against the foreign menace ; the mentioned address keeps a strong moral and military rhetoric manner. The response from the hearers of the address is extremely emotional as they are all willing to support these cosmopolitan values in a clear mention to The American Dream. On the other manus we can speak about the symbols displayed visually. Throughout the movie different topographic points are shown and many are representative of American civilization. Chiefly, authorities edifices like the Pentagon or the White House and national memorials like the Statue of Liberty are shown, besides the skylines of New York City and the metropolis of Los Angeles are repeatedly featured. These symbols are a representation of the chief facets of American civilization in relation to The American Dream ; authorities edifices represent the power of the United States, its importance in maintaining peace and order, as they show the importance of democracy. Cities like New York or Los Angeles are non merely the chief economic centres of the state but the most celebrated touristic finishs in America. Decision Finally it can be seen how the construct of the American Dream has a really of import function in everything related to the American civilization, from it, the bases for a great sum of societal ideals that represent and promote American civilization and individuality have been formed. The American Dream efforts to carry through all ideals of equality and common wellbeing a state where the dreams of all its members can go a world depending on the extent to which they belong to the American society. It is really interesting besides to analyse how these constructs go back to authoritative texts like the Declaration Of Independence and the Constitution of the United States since the importance of making a planetary state had already been stated. Taking this into history, it can be seen how this movie includes clear mentions reaffirming the cultural importance of the American Dream in a planetary context by demoing how this state has the capacity of being a universe leader and maintaining a society together. In the movie, the constructs that depict the United States as a state with a perfect authorities system can be seen. America achieves through democracy a society that has equal rights for everyone regardless of ethnicity, gender and societal differences but most of the movie depicts America as a state able to maintain a society in harmoniousness where corporate aims and single dreams are fulfilled. Finally, in footings of the enquiry that guides this paper, it can be seen that the movie greatly represents the American Dream. Even from the rubric which refers to an American vacation but places it on a planetary context we can see how this movie shows American values as the reply the universe needs to be able to last the invasion. We can see in the movie how the United States is tested and destroyed merely so it can reaffirm itself as a powerful state in all its facets, chiefly culturally, demoing the importance of the American Dream at a national and international degree. Word count: 3974 How to cite Representation Of The American Dream Film Studies Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Proffesional Ethical Analysis Ai Car Manufactring Company - Sample

Question: Discuss about the Proffesional Ethical Analysis Based On Acs Code Of Ethics Case Study Ai Car Manufactring Company. Answer: Introduction Professional ethicscomprise the individual, managerial, and communal values of conduct demonstrated byexperts in their respective fields(Valente, 2014) . According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ethics or moral standards involves the concepts and attainment of what is right or wrong, good or bad, in relation to moral responsibility and duty (Fieser, 2017). Ethics also includes the requirement to behave in harmony with the standards of right and wrong prevailing the behavior of a specific group including lawyers, doctors, IT professionals and more. As such, in ethics, it is crucial to apprehend that a motive is as vital as the act that follows it. Basically, ethics aims at encouraging individuals to do what they know they should do by considering all appropriate sides of an ethical issue, considering elementary ethical values and acting in agreement with the code of guiding your profession. Following, is an introduction of several ethical dilemmas from a case study, propo sed ethical responses with regards to different groups of people, ACS code of ethics requirements application in the case study and a summarized ethical analysis. Ethical dilemma discussion An ethical dilemma, also moraldilemma is a situation in which a person has to make a choice between two selections that are acceptable or preferable, neither of the choices are able to resolve the given situation in an ethically satisfactory manner (YourDictionary, 2017). In this case, John, an Artificial intelligence (AI) consultant, is in an ethical dilemma. He is involved in a machine learning project to design and implement AI systems as a third party for a car manufacturing company. The problem is that the company CEO and managers want to release their product as soon as possible. However, John thinks that the car AI systems need more remodeling to reduce risks. If he insists, he may lose his contract. On the other hand, if he signs the project end and the cars AI system become risky, he may be blamed, which can damage his and companys reputation. Ethical responses to the dilemma: AI Consultant As an IT professional that is guided by morality of right and wrong, John needs to make a decision. On one hand, he can refuse to sign off the project to completion in order to minimize the risks that can harm human life, guided by the code of ethics that aims to enhance the quality of life of the clients. If he does this, he may lose business as the car company may cancel his contract. On the other hand, since the remodeling involves testing issues regarding life and death situations, if remodeling is not done, a lot of people could die as a result. Therefore, the right thing to do is to insist on AI systems to reduce harm in case of accidents with the cars. Car Customers John has been working closely with the company clients in testing out the workings of the AI controlled cars. The car customers can for one decide to buy the cars but this would increase risks and the AI systems malfunctions could harm them. Conversely, if they wait, they may not get the product on time and may buy it at higher prices if it delays because of competition in the market. The ethical thing to do is to wait for remodeling in order to save lives in case of system mal-functionalities. Ethical responses with regards to application principles A member of the ACS body of ethics is governed by the codes they have signed up for. They should ensure to apply this regulations in their work places without fail. No matter the consequences, they should try to implement the rules that govern their professional conduct. The company should apply honesty and let their clients know that the AI controlled cat is not yet ready. This would show they are competent, as it would portray the fact they only release quality products and hence increase potential customers. They should ensure they look into public interest first before considering their own interests. They should also do remodeling to be able to apply professional development. Ethical responses with regards to a caring person As a caring person, John as the person charged with the AI car functions, he should ensure that he doesnt see to the company launching their product. This would prove that he cares about human life. For the customers, they should wait till remodeling is done, this demonstrates that they also care about human life. The CEO and company managers should also wait for more testings to be done, if they prioritize public interests, in this case, their customers and the AI consultant. ACS Code of ethics requirements with regard case study According to the ACS code of ethics, a professional should demonstrate honesty, professionalism, enhancement of quality life, primacy of public interest, competence and professional development (AustralianComputerSociety, 2017). With regards to this case, the CEO and managers should be honest about their product by accepting as true that it is not ready for launching. By wanting to launch their product when it is not yet ready, they are not demonstrating competence and are not highlighting on public interest. They also are not giving room to professional development by doing more remodeling for the AI systems. The car manufacturing company is therefore not upholding the ACS code of ethics. The AI consultant has already demonstrated honesty, competence, public interest and professional development by suggesting further AI systems remodeling. Ethical defense arguments for the AI consultant The ACS code of ethics demands that professionals who are members with the association follow certain rules as far as their skills and professions are concerned. Firstly, the AI consult is abiding by the code. He has reported to the company management that he doesnt think they should release the AI controlled cars. This demonstrates his honesty, competency, care for human life and that he is ready to do more research with further car AI systems makeover which would promote his professional development. By suggesting further AI testings, demonstrates that he cares about human life. This is because he knows that there would be a lot of risks if the cars dont know how to respond to situations that has to do with accidents life and death situations. Summarized case study ethical analysis In summary, as far as ethics and morality is concerned, for the AI consultant, the right thing to do in this case is to wait before signing off the project and advice on doing further car testing and redesigning. This way, he wouldnt have to live with regrets and his reputation as a professional would stand. Caring about public interest is important for the entire community. The ethical thing to do for the CEO and the managers is to heed the advice of the AI consultant. Although their product has been tested over a period of time. It is vital that they do this one more test to reduce the risks involved that could harm the public. The client is also required to be patient until the product is ready for the market, for his safety and for life enhancement of his fellow human beings. Conclusion The right professional conduct is important for all organizations. Work misconduct can make a business fail to achieve its defined business objectives. Employees should always demonstrate expertise in how they do their work and treat people directly attached to their work. By following the right code of ethics, professionals are able to demonstrate their competence and improve business productivity. References AustralianComputerSociety. (2017, August). Australian Computer Society . Retrieved from Fieser, J. (2017). Ethics. Retrieved from Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy: Valente, L. (2014, August 31). 10 Golden Rules To Professional Ethics In The Workplace. Retrieved from LinkedIn: YourDictionary. (2017). Ethical dilemma. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Beautiful Evil Professor Ramos Blog

Beautiful Evil Moumita Milton English 102 24th July 2019 Whenever we hear the word â€Å"monster†, the very first thing that comes into our mind are images or werewolves, vampires, zombies, or even clowns luring kids into storm drains. These monsters can be as real as every child’s boogeyman. But should we be scared of monsters that only exists in movies and literature or should we rather be concerned with real-life monsters that are very much alive, disguised and poses a real threat. Serial killers. The truest monster in every sense of the word. They aren’t just any type of monster. They are classified into a specific genre because of the notoriety of their MO (modus operandi). Some of them functions very well in the society, some may be socially withdrawn, others may be academic achievers and others are even public figures. There is not one defining character or trait that can identify someone as a serial killer, but surely there are signs to look out for in people which we can use to determine the possibility of them being one. Theodore Robert Bundy(November 24, 1946–January 24, 1989). One of the most prolific serial killer in the United States; captured in 1975, tried in 1976 for kidnapping, which later led to trial for more than 30 counts of rape and murder of women from different states. In January 1989, he was sentenced to be executed, and later confessed to killing at least 100 women during his active years (Montaldo, C. 2019). In his work Monster Culture (Seven Theses), Cohen presented through Theses II that â€Å"Monsters must be examined within the intricate matrix of relations (social, cultural, and literary-historical) that generate them† (Cohen, J.J, 1996). The becoming of a monster is not something you just easily attribute to thin air. It is empirical that we examine some facts about Bundy’s childhood to fully understand how he became the most notorious killer in US history. Ted Bundy grew up without really knowing his father. He grew up believing that his mother, Eleanor â€Å"Louise† Cowell, was his sister, and that his grandparents were his real parents. There were speculations about his grandfather being his biological father, making him a by-product of incest, though this rumor wasn’t scientifically proven thru DNA testing. Growing up in a dysfunctional family, with his grandfather being abusive and oftentimes hostile, Bundy was perceived by many as a shy and timid boy with lack of social skills. Later in his teenage years, growing up not being able to socialize a lot with other teenagers, it would then be reported that young Bundy was caught peeping into ladies’ windows. During the later part of his incarceration where he had interviews with experts, Bundy claimed that he had a fondness to pornography as a child and later on influenced him in his series of rape and murder activities. Looking into the facts, we can say that Bundy surely had a perverted childhood. And yet we have to ask whether these factors really played a major role in his evolution to evil. Despite his aberrant childhood, Ted Bundy grew up to be a self-made man. He developed a totally different persona. He worked his looks and excelled in academics, and through time also enhanced his social skills. He was even involved in romantic relationships when he was in university. He studied psychology, law and has worked on campaigns for then Washington Republican Dan Evans. However, as progressive as his adulthood may seem, troubled Bundy did not fully develop until his adolescent years. It was around that time in 1969, that he discovered the truth about his parentage. Shortly thereafter, he underwent a relationship crisis with his then girlfriend, Elizabeth Kendall. All of these happened momentarily before his first killings began, reason why it was presumed that the pile-up of successive setbacks in his personal life triggered the monster in him that was only waiting to be unleashed. Bundy’s personality speaks that of intricacy and complexity. From a child with an unhealthy childhood, to a man with a potential for success, it is very difficult to understand why and how he chose to create a monster of himself. As Cohen explained in his Thesis III: The Monster is a Harbinger of Category Crisis on Monster Culture, the dangers of monsters are not in its ability to harm but in our incapability of understanding their nature. The complexity of their personal structure requires a different level of understanding, approach and perception other than what we are accustomed to. â€Å"For by refusing an easy compartmentalization of their monstrous contents, they demand a radical rethinking of boundary and normality† (Cohen, J.J. 1996). This is especially true for Bundy since, while he was incarcerated, many experts attempted to delve into his monstrous interior to possibly understand his development as a serial killer. However, there was never a precise diagnosis, only that majority of the evidence led him towards Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Not one of the best people in their fields who have dealt with Bundy could explain his Daedalian nature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In aiming to understand the evolution of the serial killer in Bundy, it will be easy to look into the flaws in his life that could have easily become the trigger factor. Most people looking into Bundy’s life story, would readily attribute his actions to his unfortunate childhood. However, a lot of people grew up like Bundy, or even worse, and still didn’t end up becoming a serial killer. There are also documented serial killers who grew up with loving families, had everything they want in life, but still opt to do evil. There may be an undeniable correlation between the social upbringing of a person and how they will be in their adult life, but it does not necessarily follow that an unstable childhood will by default produce a troubled adult. However, in Bundy’s case, he may not have chosen at birth to be a psychopath but his childhood exploit surely played a significant part. During those times that he was plagued with un fortunate events as a kid, Bundy may could have possibly fabricated a fantasy as a means of escaping his real world. Since he lived a lonely and complicated childhood where he felt he did not fit in, young Bundy sought for ways to satisfy his loneliness (Dimitropoulos, S. 2018). This holds true for Cohens’s idea depicting monsters as an alter ego and projection of one’s self. â€Å"The monster awakens one to the pleasure of the body, to the simple and fleeting joys of being frightened or frightening† (Cohen, J.J 1996). This would explain why most experts would agree that Bundy was dealing with a similar case of multiple personality disorder accounting witness recollections of him being another version of himself in separate instances. Bundy wants us to believe what we want to believe regarding his personality. But he is the master of himself and he wear his mask so well it is hard to tell one personality from the other. In totality, Bundy’s life as a seri al killer, as a monster, was his own choice. It was not his mother’s nor his grandfather’s fault why he killed innocent women. It was not the fault of his ex-girlfriend who broke her heart, and definitely not the fault of the women who trusted him. â€Å"He killed for the sheer thrill of the act and the challenge of escaping his pursuers† (Moyer, J. 2015). Those unimaginable actions were his own, his craft, his own way out. Annotated Bibliography Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. Monster Theory: Reading Culture. University of Minnesota Press. 1996 Monsters are complex creatures to understand. The book will outline theories in relation to the study of monsters and approaches the understanding of the monster nature in different constructs. This literature takes on the likes of Dracula, Frankenstein’s monster and Beowulf and attempt to dissect the reason behind their monstrosity. It is discussed how the intricacy of these creatures makes them more dangerous. The integration of monster in society attracts fear but at the same time its mysterious effect becomes appealing to people. We adapt and believe in creatures that we don’t even know is true but has not really look into the context of how these creatures came to be and the circumstances that surrounds their creation. It is an effective literature that gives the readers the pull into the mystery world at the same time giving them a realization that would lead them to believe that monsters do really exist. Dimitropoulos, Stav. â€Å"Ted Bundys Childhood: Lonely Boy to Window Peeper to Serial Killer.† 16 April 2018, Real Crime, Retrieved from This is a documented conversation with Psychologist Al Carlisle, who was only one of the few experts who tried and unravel the mind of Theodore Bundy. It mainly focuses on his childhood years and how his loneliness, his reclusion from the social world influenced his life as an adult. After multiple theories as to how Bundy turned into a killer, this interaction with Carlisle emphasizes on the highlights of his childhood including him being addicted to pornography. Carlisle also debunked some theories circling Bundy’s story specifically mentioning that it was all along Bundy’s choice to become a serial killer. Several articles and scholarly works on Bundy never fails to mention and include his childhood since it is, after all, considered as our formative years. Despite the argument that Bundy would have been a killer either way he was brought up, his story will never be completed without looking into the possibility of his corrupt childhood being the main contributor. Montaldo, Charles. â€Å"Biography of Ted Bundy, Serial Killer.† 23 May 2019, Retrieved from Montaldo, as a writer and a former licensed private detective, provides the basic information about Theodore â€Å"Ted† Bundy who was once the most notorious serial killer in the United States. He outlined the important events in Bundy’s life starting from when he was a kid in a dysfunctional family, up until his arrest, trial and execution. He established that Bundy was a functional adult regardless of his unfortunate childhood and presented some of the incidents in his life that may have contributed to his becoming of a serial killer. In the accounts of people who have worked on Bundy’s story, we always find details of him being, at some point in his life, a good person. This work gave us the idea that Bundy was not necessarily evil in the onset of his existence. Montaldo’s outlined work help us look easier into the transition of Bundy’s life to becoming a serial killer. Moyer, Justin Wm. â€Å"The twisted friendship of crime writer Ann Rule and serial killer Ted Bundy.† 28 July 2015. Retrieved from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This article narrates briefly the life of Anne Rule as a writer, towards the presentation of the relationship that formed between her and Ted Bund. In her hopes of producing a phenomenal work on Bundy, Rule would frequent the prison to visit Bundy for interviews. It was established that the frequent visit formed a bond between the two that enable the writer to write best-selling works about Bundy. Rule confessed that although a serial killer, he instantly liked Ted the first moment she saw her. Even inside bars, Bundy’s personality still exudes charisma. It was known that he had a thing about women liking him and Anne Rule was no exception. It would seem that the intention of approaching Bundy for literary reasons blossomed into an unlikely personal connection between them, which have made it easier for Anne Rule to write about a person whose complicated nature she relatively understands. Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. Monster Theory: Reading Culture. University of Minnesota Press. 1996 Dimitropoulos, Stav. Ted Bundys Childhood: Lonely Boy to Window Peeper to Serial Killer. 16 April 2018, Montaldo, Charles. Biography of Ted Bundy, Serial Killer. 23 May 2019, Moyer, Justin Wm. The twisted friendship of crime writer Ann Rule and serial killer Ted Bundy. 28 July 2015. Google Search, Google, bundy murders oq=ted bundy murders gs_l=img.3..35i39j0.1212.2295..26800.0..0.110.535.5j10.1..gws-wiz-img.0i24.-_wroOhtquMved=0ahUKEwjzxuXol8_jAhVhCjQIHThWDzkQ4dUDCAYuact=5#imgdii=7RqBzXMeYBh-0M:imgrc=2GTQ74y3-5JM: Google Search, Google, bundy picturessource=lnmstbm=ischsa=Xved=0ahUKEwi42ZbVl8_jAhWRsp4KHVZXA-sQ_AUIESgBbiw=1536bih=750#imgrc=1J2JMVkx15nSBM:

Monday, November 25, 2019

31 Fun Pipe Cleaner Crafts for Kids

31 Fun Pipe Cleaner Crafts for Kids SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Pipe cleaner crafts are one of the easiest and most fun types of crafts to do with children. In this guide, we’ve compiled 31 of the best pipe cleaner crafts for kids. They range from crafts that take only a few minutes and can be done by very young children, to crafts that are a little more involved but will produce toys that’ll last for many hours of play. For each of these easy pipe cleaner crafts, we include a description of the craft, a link to more detailed instructions, the difficulty level (easy, medium, or hard), and the materials needed. (Note that crafts labelled as â€Å"hard† are still absolutely doable; they will just likely require more adult help to complete.)These pipe cleaner crafts range from animals to jewelry to science experiments, and they can be done by children of a variety of ages. One tip before you get started: many of these crafts suggest you use white craft glue to get the pipe cleaners to stick to each other or other craft supplies like paper, plastic, etc. Craft glue usually isn’t strong enough for this, and the crafts often fall apart after a few hours. When gluing something to pipe cleaners or gluing pipe cleaners to another object, we recommend using a hot glue gun instead. Feature image source: Flickr/Nicole #1: Chameleon Difficulty Level: Medium These cute pipe cleaner chameleons are made by wrapping green pipe cleaners around a marker to make basic body and head shapes, then legs and eyes are added. The eyes can either be made by creating two small circles with pieces of orange pipe cleaner or (more simply) gluing on googly eyes. Materials Needed: PIpe cleaners (green, orange, and red suggested) Marker Felt Scissors Hot glue gun Googly eyes (optional) #2: Seashore Crabs Difficulty Level: Medium This crab pipe cleaner craft is a great way to use some seashells you picked up from the beach. You’ll paint a shell that’ll be used as the body, then bend and attach pipe cleaners to act as the legs and claws. Add two googly eyes and your crab is set. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (red or blue suggested) Small seashells Craft paint Googly eyes Hot glue gun #3: Finger Puppets Difficulty Level: Easy An easy pipe cleaner craft for younger kids, pipe cleaner finger puppets can be made in less than 10 minutes. Just take a pipe cleaner, wrap it tightly around your child’s finger or your pinky finger to make the body, adding loops for ears or arms if you like. Then, pull the pipe cleaner off your finger, glue the pom pom to where you want the head to be, and add some eyes. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Googly eyes Hot glue gun Pom poms #4: Crocodile Difficulty Level: Medium For these pipe cleaner crocodiles, you’ll wrap pipe cleaners around craft sticks to create the animal’s body. The craft stick makes these crocs sturdier than many other pipe cleaner crafts, so they’re easier to play with without damaging them. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (green color suggested) Popsicle/craft sticks, colored green Small googly eyes Black markers Hot glue gun Zig zag scissors White paper #5: Spring Flowers Difficulty Level: Medium Pipe cleaner flowers are a great craft if you’re looking for something less messy than planting regular flowers. The link includes instructions on how to make tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths. These flowers can also be â€Å"potted† in little flower pots as a cute way to display them. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (variety of colors, including green) Pencil Scissors Ruler Hot glue gun Small flower pots (optional) Floral foam (optional) #6: Bracelets Difficulty Level: Easy Pipe cleaner bracelets are super easy to make, and if you have lots of colors of pipe cleaners, you can make yourself a whole collection of rainbow-colored jewelry. To make the bracelets, just twist two colors of pipe cleaners together, or you can braid several colors together. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Scissors #7: Coffee Filter Butterflies Difficulty Level: Easy If you’re looking for a craft that includes both painting and pipe cleaners, check out these coffee filter butterflies. The wings are made out of painted coffee filters, while the body and antennae are made from pipe cleaners. This is a great craft for younger kids to get creative painting their butterfly’s wings. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Coffee filters Watercolor paints and brush Hot glue gun Scissors #8: Plastic Egg Bugs Difficulty Level: Easy These plastic egg bugs are a cute pipe cleaner craft to do around Easter or anytime you have some plastic eggs around. The plastic egg (decorated with permanent marker if you wish) will be the body, and pipe cleaners will be the bug’s legs and antennae. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Plastic eggs Googly eyes Hot glue gun Permanent marker Scissors #9: Bead People Difficulty Level: Hard For this bead people pipe cleaner craft, you’ll create the â€Å"skeleton† of the body with pipe cleaners, then string beads along them. It can be a bit tricky to figure out the best way to get the beads on at first, but after a little practice you’ll have a bendable bead person to play with. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Wooden or plastic beads Scissors #10: Christmas Trees Difficulty Level: Easy Pipe cleaner Christmas trees are one of the quickest pipe cleaner Christmas crafts. Just zigzag a pipe cleaner to form the shape of a tree, add a gold star on top, and you have a pipe cleaner Christmas tree that can be glued to a card or displayed on its own. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (green color suggested) Cardstock or paper Gold star stickers Glue Glitter (optional) #: Bendable Monkey Difficulty Level: Medium These bendable monkeysare really fun for kids to play with and can be hung off the backs of chairs or on a finger. The body of the monkey is made out of paper, while pipe cleaners make the bendable arms and legs. Kids can draw the monkey’s face on with crayons or markers. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (brown or black colors suggested) Two shades of brown paper Hot glue gun Markers Scissors #12: Rainbow Difficulty Level: Easy This rainbow pipe cleaner craft is an easy way to teach kids about the different colors of the rainbow and have them create one of their own. Just grab one pipe cleaner for each color that you need, bend them in a bow shape, add some fluffy cotton ball clouds, and either leave it as is or attach it to thick paper or floral foam. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple colors) Cotton balls Glue Floral foam (optional) #13: Jellyfish Difficulty Level: Medium Kids will love the long, wiggly tentacles of pipe cleaner jellyfish. Use half a painted foam ball to form the body of the jellyfish, then wrap several pipe cleaners around pencils or another object with a long, thin stick shape. Pull the pipe cleaners off, stretch them out a bit, attach them to the flat side of the foam ball hemisphere, and decorate your jellyfish. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) 2  ½ inch styrofoam balls Knife for cutting styrofoam balls Paint Ruler Hot glue gun String Googly eyes Toothpick #14: Bookmarks Difficulty Level: Easy These fun pipe cleaner bookmarks are an easy way to get kids more excited about reading. Have the kids wrap, bend, and twirl the pipe cleaners to any shape they want, add googly eyes, and glue their creation onto a paper clip to create an easy and creative bookmark. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Colorful paper clips Googly eyes Hot glue gun Scissors Thin stick to wrap pipe cleaners around #15: Egg Carton Spy Glasses Difficulty Level: Medium With just some egg cups cut from an egg carton, pipe cleaners, and your choice of decorations, you can help your child create a pair of their very own secret â€Å"spy glasses.† The egg cups form the lens, and the pipe cleaners are the arms that go around your ears. Paint and beads make this a creative craft project. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Cardboard egg carton Plastic beads Craft paint Scissors Hot glue gun Toothpick #16: Ninjas Difficulty Level: Hard If your kids love ninjas or any other action figures, they’ll love pipe cleaner ninjas. The â€Å"skeleton† of the ninja is made out of pipe cleaners, which you’ll then put pieces of plastic straws over to create a body. A wooden bead will be the head, and you can add additional decorations to create fully bendable ninjas. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Colored drinking straws Scissors Wooden beads for the heads Plastic beads How glue gun Permanent marker #17: Snakes Difficulty Level: Easy By twisting two colors of pipe cleaners together, adding eyes and a tiny red tongue, you can quickly make a pipe cleaner snake. You can even turn this into a biology lesson and have kids look at pictures of different snakes and choose pipe cleaner colors to match a specific snake species. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (at least 2 colors) Small googly eyes Hot glue gun Red felt Scissors #18: Fall Fairies Difficulty Level: Hard These pipe cleaner fairies are a great craft to do during the fall, when you can use colorful leaves that have fallen to make fairy wings. Pipe cleaners and beads make the fairy’s body, yarn is used for the hair, and leaves (either real or fake) are stacked to create a colorful skirt. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Yarn Marker Scissors Leaves (fake or real) Wooden bead for head Plastic beads Hot glue gun #19: Christmas Wreath Difficulty Level: Easy These Christmas wreaths are another example of easy pipe cleaner Christmas crafts. You can also bows and small beads to the wreaths for additional decorations, and if you can find pipe cleaners with sparkles that will make them even more festive. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (red, white, and green suggested) Pencil to wrap pipe cleaner around. Small beads (optional) #20: Spider Difficulty Level: Medium Spiders are a classic pipe cleaner craft, and kids will love making the eight legs for their pipe cleaner spider. Although you can make the spiders with just pipe cleaners, you can also add pom poms, eyes, and beads for additional decoration (or paint if you want to make it clearly a garden spider or camel spider!). You can also make the pipe cleaner spider as an easy and slightly spooky Halloween decoration. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (black or brown suggested) Scissors Googly eyes (optional) Plastic beads (optional) Pom poms (optional) #21: Clothespin Dragonflies Difficulty Level: Easy When you make these cute dragonflies, you’ll use a clothespin for the body, then form the wings with four pipe cleaners to form the wings. Kids can get creative by painting the clothespin to make a colorful dragonfly and adding some googly eyes. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Clothespins Googly eyes Hot glue gun Paint Scissors #22: Crown/Tiara Difficulty Level: Medium Whether it’s your child’s birthday or they just want the fun of feeling like royalty, these pipe cleaner crowns will do the trick. After forming a circle for the base, add a variety of shapes formed from additional pipe cleaners to make your crown (triangles work particularly well). Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (gold suggested) Hot glue gun Scissors Beads, stickers, or pom poms for decoration #23: Pumpkins Difficulty Level: Easy These pipe cleaner pumpkins are a great craft for kids to do around Halloween. Orange pipe cleaners are used to make the actual pumpkin, and you can use green and brown pipe cleaners to form the leaves and stem. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (orange, green, and brown suggested) Scissors #24: Flamingo Difficulty Level: Medium If you have pink pipe cleaners lying around, use a few to make these cute pipe cleaner flamingos. Pink feathers will make them look more realistic, and you can pose the legs in a variety of shapes, just like actual flamingos do. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (pink and black suggested) Pink feathers Googly Eyes Hot glue gun Scissors #25: Dragons Difficulty Level: Medium These pipe cleaner dragons are fairly easy to make (although younger kids may need some help making the tight coils for the head and body), and once you add on some foam wings, they’ll be flying in no time. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Craft foam Popsicle sticks Googly eyes Hot glue gun Scissors #26: Fireworks Difficulty Level: Easy Pipe cleaner fireworks are a colorful and easy way to celebrate the 4th of July. This craft uses glitter and can get messy, but kids will love dipping their fireworks into a batch of glitter and seeing them emerge covered in sparkles. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (red, white, and blue suggested) White craft glue Glitter Scissors Thick sponge (for drying) #27: Magic Wand Difficulty Level: Easy Any child who wants to pretend to be a magician or fairy will want to make this pipe cleaner magic wand. By using a wooden skewer as the actual wand, kids can add all sorts of pipe cleaner additions, like those made into the shape of stars and hearts, until their wand is ready to work some magic. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (any color) Wooden skewer Hot glue gun Scissors #28: Snowman Difficulty Level: Easy Another great winter craft, these pipe cleaner snowmen are great to make once it starts getting cold outside and kids start looking forward to snow. After making the three circles of the body, you can use different colors to add a scarf and hat to your snowman. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (white, black, and red suggested) Popsicle stick/wooden skewer Hot glue gun Scissors #29: Shamrock Crystals Difficulty Level: Hard This pipe cleaner craft is a bit more involved than the others, but it doubles as a science experiment, and the shamrock crystals will look beautiful hanging in the window. After forming the pipe cleaners into a shamrock, you’ll submerge them in a borax solution overnight. The next morning, they’ll be covered in crystals and ready to display. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (green and white suggested) Borax Boiling water Mason jars String or yarn Pencil Food coloring #30: Fall Pom Pom Tree Difficulty Level: Hard This fall pom pom tree makes a great centerpiece for a Thanksgiving dinner, and kids can work on their fine motor skills by adding decorations to the pipe cleaner tree. You can have your kids go on a nature walk and collect their own acorns, leaves, etc. to add to the tree. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (brown, red, orange, and yellow suggested) Pom poms (red, orange, yellow suggested) Acorns, leaves, and other tree decorations Scissors Hot glue gun #31: Lion Mask Difficulty Level: Medium For this lion mask, tightly-curled pipe cleaners make the adorable mane, and a decorated paper plate is used for the lion’s face. This mask is great to use during a play about animals or a game of make-believe. Materials Needed: Pipe cleaners (yellow/orange and brown suggested) Paper plate Yellow paint Paint stirrer Marker Hot glue gun Scissors Summary: Crafts With Pipe Cleaners Pipe cleaner crafts are a cheap, easy, and fun way to entertain kids and get them to work on their creativity and fine motor skills. There are easy pipe cleaner crafts for kids of all age groups and of all difficulty levels, so whether you have only a few minutes or several hours to spend, you can find pipe cleaner crafts to suit your needs. What's Next? Are you also interested in science experiments for kids? Read our guide to see 37 of the most fun science experiments you can do with children. (coming soon) Teaching your kids Spanish, or are you learning yourself? We have a guide to the 71 body parts in Spanish you need to know. Want to learn more about clouds? Learn how to identify every cloud in the sky with our guide to the 10 types of clouds.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

360 Degree Performance Appraisal within IKH ZASAG University of Mongo Essay - 1

360 Degree Performance Appraisal within IKH ZASAG University of Mongolia - Essay Example The 360-degree feedback must not be applied only for appraisal, but can also help in the improvement of employees along with the progress of the institute. This will help the employee to understand the feedback and further use it for performance improvement. A 360-degree system should be an ongoing activity, rather than one time one. 360-degree feedback creates a culture, which engages everyone in the development process and helps in building a system to align individual performance with organizational expectations. This leads to improvement in organizational performance, as well as employee development.In today's changing and volatile world, organizations are continually looking for ways to improve performance and satisfy the demands of all stakeholders. Achieving this position inevitably involves change, which then becomes the pivotal dynamic for success. An organization's success depends on the people it employs and whether they adopt innovative changes. They should know their lev el of current performance and improvements needed in it. This is the area where 360Â ° feedback plays a vital role in organizations. It has the ability to provide structured and in-depth information about current performance and the required performance of an individual in future. The worth of effectual performance appraisal systems, especially360Â ° feedback method, might be related to the overall progress of the firms and its importance is being appreciated by leaders and managers of topical times.The 360-degree feedback is well reputed as the "multi-rater feedback," or "multisource feedback," process. This procedure of obtaining feedback centers on an employee and feedbacks are derived from his surroundings. The people receiving the feedback to sketch their training and development, career objectives of the employees, and to organize a performance development graph often find the results from 360-degree method quite helpful.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


LUXURY CAR BRANDS MARKETING HIGHLIGHT QUESTIONS - Essay Example To make the drive comfortable for the passengers, Kluger comes with Captain Seats and conversation mirror. Multi Zone Climate Control (which controls temperature in different parts of the cabin), Rear seat DVD player with headphones, Integrated Puddle Mirrors, add to the pleasure of travelling in Kluger. The driver of the luxury crossover enjoys the privileges of Multi Information Display while on move (with climate control settings), Steering Wheel Audio Controls, Cruise Control ( to keep within desired speed limits), satellite navigation and smart keyless entry system. Augmented product Ownership of Toyota Kluger comes with augmented features such as 3year/100,000km+ warranty, Personal Vehicle Loan, Novated Lease, Novated Lease Vehicle package, Business Loan (all through Toyota Finance) and Capped Price Service Advantage up to six services. Toyota uses a range strategy to promote Kluger. Toyota is known for its upmarket automobiles, quality and its premiumness. To promote Toyota as a brand, the company concentrate its efforts on creating a single united culture of safety and durability synonym with Toyota. Kluger is an extension of the Toyota culture for the comfort and enjoyment of entire family. Kluger, a crossover vehicle is launched to tap the demand of upper class families who may make occasional pleasure trips within or outside the city. Kluger aims to establish itself as a synonym for luxurious, enjoyable, family transport vehicle. It target Generation X who vote for ease of use of vehicle along with style. Toyota is using its online resources as the main way to market Kluger in Australia; rest of the marketing efforts support this focus. Main reason for promoting Kluger through website is because upmarket Gen X in Australia generally uses web as the primary mode of research while buying high involvement products such as car. Toyota’s website acts as a quasi sales representative of its models that not only imparts vehicle specifications but also helps the prospective buyer in understanding how he can make the best use of Kluger. The website hosts live footage of people who relate their experiences while using Kluger. The website aims at providing a virtual walk through to the prospective buyer of the interior, exterior and experience of travelling in a Kluger along with the assurance of Toyota so that the buyer may have enough confidence on the Kluger to book a test drive (Toyota charges with Cavalry, 2008). Ans. 2 Product mix or the assortment of cars offered by Toyota, Ford and Honda seem to differ based on the target group of each of the above mentioned companies. While Honda has the shortest product line, Ford has the longest with Toyota ranking in between both of them. Honda has divided its product line mainly on the basis of compact and large cars. Its major models marketed in Australia are: Jazz, City, Insight, Civic Si-Type R (in compact segment) and Accord, Euro, Odyssey, CR-V, Legend (in large car segment). It do es not have a subcompact car nor a mid size or full size SUV (CR-V being compact SUV). Honda does not have a sub-compact car or a top end car in Australia. A major reason could be that Honda does not yet have a manufacturing facility in Australia and it imports all its cars to the continent. Hence, it has maintained a short product line in Australia. Honda’

Monday, November 18, 2019

Human racial inequality from early colonization to Civil War Essay

Human racial inequality from early colonization to Civil War - Essay Example The act of enslaving other people, highlights on the paradox of the great American history, founded based on the ideals of fostering freedom and equality. In essence, the ramification of such paradox lingers in the American society, even at the present (Dempsey 129). Race as a term, defines a social category classified in terms of social conventions and in this light, racial boundaries, are often drawn to mean different things. In the United States, one may be categorized as â€Å"Black† incase that person belong to a lineage of African ancestry. In essence, such categorization or classification denotes an extreme type of binary racial categorization and reflects on the trend on how individuals were classified in the United States, after the end of the Civil War. In America, the act of propagating inequality during the period of colonies to the end of the Civil War did not affect only one group, the African Americans, but also, other minority groups as well. Racism, has a prof ound impact in the American society and continues to impacts on the lives of all American citizens including, the Whites (Seligman 78). The Whites, during this period, were oppressed in two different ways that includes a repeated division of political and social movements that undermines individual’s capacity to oppose the existing types of inequality and power. In this sense, the elite and those in power continue to capitalize on the race issue as a tool to divide people while, amassing more power for purpose of protecting the interests of their class. Around 1880s, there existed a political movement consisting of subsistence farmers and workers in the Midwest and the south. This movement appeared as though making some inroads in their quest against the elites in the south and other large landowners. This populist group, posed a challenge to the political elites of the time however, racial conflict, ended up disintegrating the unity among the agrarian populists thus contribu ting to the fall of the movement (Seligman 80). On the other hand, the second manner in which the existence of inequality affect the lives of the disadvantaged Whites of that period, involved, undermining the universalistic aspects related to the welfare state. This programs, are supposed to benefit everyone in the society, however, such programs, are contrasted with the identified programs meant only to benefit a designated group. At the period the welfare program was implemented in the United States, opposition emerged from the Democrats in the South concerning universalistic policies since, such policies may benefit both the White, as well as the African Americans. These in essence, are ideals propagated because of advancing racist notions as evident from the conservative Southern Democrats (Young 20). On another note, when the European settlers migrated to America, there was already an indigenous population residing in that region of the world and had control over their economic resource, which, was land. In order to amass this resource, the British colony engaged in acts of displacement to confiscate the land from the Native community. The government of the United States later used this practice as the saying

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Writing Strategy Brainstorming English Language Essay

The Writing Strategy Brainstorming English Language Essay Brainstorming is a creative problem solving method developed by Alex F. Osborn. It is a tool used to promote ideas created in groups rather and individually. Brainstorming was created by Osborn to allow his company to develop creative ideas as a group since they were struggling to meet this goal individually. Brainstorming has been successful when applied in different environment settings such as in the field of business, government, industries, and in education. Brainstorming can be used to express ideas on issues to engage in, create possible solutions for problems, and offer a variety of approaches to use, or opinions on actions to take. We use brainstorming in the classroom to stimulate ideas on topics for writing, reading, problem solving in math, science, and social studies. Brainstorming in education can start as early as Kindergarten. Not only does brainstorming offer a variety of opinions and ideas from the students, but it also improves the peer interaction in the classroom . Students communicate with each other, give their thoughts and opinions on broad categories, and work together to problem solve. Brainstorming can be used in small groups, and as a whole class group to combine ideas and create list based on everybodys suggestions. Small group interaction has long been cited as an effective teaching technique. This interaction is of importance because the pupil has the opportunity to become actively involved in the process of learning. (Wood, 2001) Brainstorming can be used throughout all the academic subjects in school, but it is crucial when used in writing. It is a strategy that can be used in the planning stage of writing. In the planning stage students begin to organize their thoughts. Class discussions such as brainstorming together can establish the topic, type, purpose, and audience of the composition. Rodriques states that prewriting activities, including group brainstorming, are the most important part of the writing process. (Rodriques, 1 983) There are two ways for people to communicate with each other by writing and speaking. Writing allows students to express their feelings and thoughts as well as to communicate with one another. Writing skills are essential for students to develop and brainstorming assists students in writing. Brainstorming is highly recommended to allow students to create list of ideas and topics they can use to write. Brainstorming facilitates the writing process and prevents writing blockage. Many time students have difficulties in writing because they havent established topics or ideas, by brainstorming together the students come up with ideas they can build on when writing. Brainstorming is a very beneficial strategy since it can help a team encourage creativity, rapidly produces a large number of ideas, equalize involvement of all the team members, and foster a sense of ownership. Several studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of brainstorming when writing. One study created by Orson concluded that a group using brainstorming produced 44% more useful ideas than individuals thinking up suggestions without the benefit of group discussion. A review of brainstorming research was conducted and it concluded that 16 studies found support for the productivity of brainstorming versus contributing ideas individually. (Isaksen, 1998) The overall outcome of the Isaken review determined that based on the studies compiled brainstorming groups produced more ideas than individuals working alone. A study conducted by Troaia and Graham examined the effectiveness of planning strategies for writing in fourth and fifth graders with learning disabilities. Twenty fourth and fifth grade students with learning disabilities from two suburban elementary schools in Atlanta participated in this study. The participants were divided into the experimental treatment group and th e comparative treatment group. The experimental treatment group received advance planning strategy instruction of goal setting, brainstorming, and organizing. The comparative treatment group received a modified version of process writing instruction. This approach is compatible with the process writing instruction that students regularly receive in the classroom. The study showed that the students who received more time planning stories and brainstorming ideas before writing, produced stories that were qualitatively better. A month after the instruction had ended students who were taught the planning strategies maintained their advantage in story quality, but also produced longer stories than those produced by their peers who were just taught the writing process. The results tell me that teachers need to promote brainstorming during the planning stage of the writing process. Teachers need to teach students the rules of brainstorming by providing constant modeling, plenty of opportunities to practice brainstorming, and scaffolding. Teachers need to provide students with explicit directions on how to use the brainstorming process. It is very important that teachers not only teach students how to brainstorm together, but also teach them the guidelines for an effective brainstorming session. Teachers need to emphasize that judgment of ideas is not allowed, eccentric ideas are encouraged, a large quantity of ideas is preferred, and students should build on one anothers ideas. Being a first grade teacher I know the importance of building the students writing skills early and preparing them for the future. I have seen many teachers in many grades not promoting writing as much as other subjects. I believe that in first grade writing is as equally imp ortant as reading. Students are reading to write and writing to read. Reading and writing are interdependent to each other and the success of leaning this is very beneficial for students. Teachers need to know that in order for students to develop strong literacy skills, they need to combine reading and writing instruction and create reading and writing activities. Lesson Plan Objective: When given a writing prompt, students will use the brainstorming process and steps of the writing process to write a story. Participants: 2nd grade students in an inclusion classroom Materials: writing paper, white board or chart tablet paper, marker and writing utensils. Steps: The teacher tells the students they are going to learn a new strategy today called brainstorming. The teacher provides the students with more details on the brainstorming process including the rules and guidelines of using this process. The teacher will remind the students that brainstorming is done in the planning stage of the writing process. The teacher models the strategy for the students following all the steps and providing plenty of examples on this strategy. The teacher asks the students for feedback of the process and answers students questions. The teacher will then break up the students in groups of 4 to practice this strategy. The teacher will make one person from the group a leader and another person the secretary. The leaders role is to make sure the group stays on topic and everyone is participating. The secretarys role is to write down ideas the group is providing. The teacher reminds the students that the guidelines are to rule out critical judgment, eccentric ideas are encouraged, a large quantity of ideas are preferred, and that they should build on one anothers ideas. The teacher provides the students with a practice prompt to allow them to practice this strategy. This also allows them to experiment with the process and ask questions they may have now that they are practicing the strategy. After 15 minutes of practicing the teacher calls the students back to the carpet to talk about what they experienced and to try to fix any problems that might have come up as they were working together. The teacher then gives the students the prompt that they will be writing for their composition: Pretend you are visiting Santas workshop the week before Christmas. Write a story to your friends describing what the workshop is like. Make sure you provide details of things you saw, people you met, things you ate, and what you did during your adventure. Remember to start your story with an exciting topic sentence to captivate the attention of your friends. Dont forget to use beginning, middle, and end in your story as well as plenty of adjectives. Check your writing for correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Use the editing checklist to help you with your writing. The teacher separates the students back into their groups and ask them to brainstorm ideas that can be used with this prompt. The teacher leaves the prompt on the board to allow students to refer to it as they are coming up with their ideas. Once again the students are reassigned to their roles of leaders and secretaries. The students are given 20 min to come up with ideas. After 20 minutes, the students come together to the carpet to report their ideas. Each group states their ideas as the teacher writes them down on a chart paper. After all the groups have said their ideas, the teacher reviews all the ideas from the chart paper. The chart paper is displayed throughout the writing process so students can refer to it as needed. The teacher reviews the rest of the writing process stages: planning, drafting, revising and editing, and the final draft. The teacher also reviews the rubric that will be used to grade their stories. The teacher provides the students with examples and non examples on ways to receive a 4 on their writing. The students go back to their desk and for the next four days work on the completion of their composition. The students are given a self check and peer editing checklist to use during the revising and editing process. After they have completed their composition the teacher asks for volunteers to present their stories in the authors chair. Evaluation: The students will be evaluated using a writing rubric. Writing Checklist Authors Name: _________________ Title of Work: _________________ Peers Name: ___________________ Directions: Use this checklist to check over your paper. Mark the column with a Æ’Â ¼ after you have checked the paper carefully. Then have a peer complete the Peer Editor column and mark the column with a Æ’Â ¼ as they check your paper. Author Peer Editor Checklist Items  Ã‚ ±  Ã‚ ± Is the prompt followed correctly?  Ã‚ ±  Ã‚ ± Does the writing make sense?  Ã‚ ±  Ã‚ ± Does the paper have complete sentences?  Ã‚ ±  Ã‚ ± Do sentences start with a capital letter?  Ã‚ ±  Ã‚ ± Are proper nouns capitalized?  Ã‚ ±  Ã‚ ± Do sentences have ending marks?  Ã‚ ±  Ã‚ ± Are words spelled correctly?