Sunday, December 22, 2019

How Stress Affects Everyone Regardless Of Their...

Stress affects everyone regardless of their background, ethnicity, gender or personality. These factors can be important to detect how vulnerable a person is to stress. Williams and Cooper use the four-way model to describe how stress works (2002, 6). In this model, coping mechanisms, sources of pressure, personality and positive/negative effects are all connected to each other. Personality is the main block that faces both the pressure and the coping mechanisms. From there, a person could either get affected negatively and be stressed, or get positive effects out of the situation and reach to the growth phase (Williams Cooper, 2002, 7). Stress is in people`s lives from the very first moment that they are able to perceive and understand the social standards. Since people spend most of their life time at work dealing with many responsibilities, there are many stressors created in the workplace. According to Matteson and Ivancevich, life without the right amount of stress would not be motivating or exciting (1982, 11). However, high amount of stress is costly for both the employee and the employer. The commercial costs of stress at work include sickness absence, poor service, legal claims, insurance claims, staff turnover, low productivity, poor quality, lack of innovation, low morale, bad working relationships, poor decision-making and accidents (Williams Cooper, 2002, 35). It is crucial to understand the workplace stressors; by doing so, effective coping strategies canShow MoreRelatedCompetence in Counseling Essay1574 Words   |  7 Pagesinstruction given in direction the judgment or conduct of another. Knowing ho w to posses personal qualities such as maturity, empathy, warmth, understanding, and knowledge. From a legal stand point ethics, morality, and law must be strongly conformed. 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