Thursday, December 5, 2019

Proffesional Ethical Analysis Ai Car Manufactring Company - Sample

Question: Discuss about the Proffesional Ethical Analysis Based On Acs Code Of Ethics Case Study Ai Car Manufactring Company. Answer: Introduction Professional ethicscomprise the individual, managerial, and communal values of conduct demonstrated byexperts in their respective fields(Valente, 2014) . According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ethics or moral standards involves the concepts and attainment of what is right or wrong, good or bad, in relation to moral responsibility and duty (Fieser, 2017). Ethics also includes the requirement to behave in harmony with the standards of right and wrong prevailing the behavior of a specific group including lawyers, doctors, IT professionals and more. As such, in ethics, it is crucial to apprehend that a motive is as vital as the act that follows it. Basically, ethics aims at encouraging individuals to do what they know they should do by considering all appropriate sides of an ethical issue, considering elementary ethical values and acting in agreement with the code of guiding your profession. Following, is an introduction of several ethical dilemmas from a case study, propo sed ethical responses with regards to different groups of people, ACS code of ethics requirements application in the case study and a summarized ethical analysis. Ethical dilemma discussion An ethical dilemma, also moraldilemma is a situation in which a person has to make a choice between two selections that are acceptable or preferable, neither of the choices are able to resolve the given situation in an ethically satisfactory manner (YourDictionary, 2017). In this case, John, an Artificial intelligence (AI) consultant, is in an ethical dilemma. He is involved in a machine learning project to design and implement AI systems as a third party for a car manufacturing company. The problem is that the company CEO and managers want to release their product as soon as possible. However, John thinks that the car AI systems need more remodeling to reduce risks. If he insists, he may lose his contract. On the other hand, if he signs the project end and the cars AI system become risky, he may be blamed, which can damage his and companys reputation. Ethical responses to the dilemma: AI Consultant As an IT professional that is guided by morality of right and wrong, John needs to make a decision. On one hand, he can refuse to sign off the project to completion in order to minimize the risks that can harm human life, guided by the code of ethics that aims to enhance the quality of life of the clients. If he does this, he may lose business as the car company may cancel his contract. On the other hand, since the remodeling involves testing issues regarding life and death situations, if remodeling is not done, a lot of people could die as a result. Therefore, the right thing to do is to insist on AI systems to reduce harm in case of accidents with the cars. Car Customers John has been working closely with the company clients in testing out the workings of the AI controlled cars. The car customers can for one decide to buy the cars but this would increase risks and the AI systems malfunctions could harm them. Conversely, if they wait, they may not get the product on time and may buy it at higher prices if it delays because of competition in the market. The ethical thing to do is to wait for remodeling in order to save lives in case of system mal-functionalities. Ethical responses with regards to application principles A member of the ACS body of ethics is governed by the codes they have signed up for. They should ensure to apply this regulations in their work places without fail. No matter the consequences, they should try to implement the rules that govern their professional conduct. The company should apply honesty and let their clients know that the AI controlled cat is not yet ready. This would show they are competent, as it would portray the fact they only release quality products and hence increase potential customers. They should ensure they look into public interest first before considering their own interests. They should also do remodeling to be able to apply professional development. Ethical responses with regards to a caring person As a caring person, John as the person charged with the AI car functions, he should ensure that he doesnt see to the company launching their product. This would prove that he cares about human life. For the customers, they should wait till remodeling is done, this demonstrates that they also care about human life. The CEO and company managers should also wait for more testings to be done, if they prioritize public interests, in this case, their customers and the AI consultant. ACS Code of ethics requirements with regard case study According to the ACS code of ethics, a professional should demonstrate honesty, professionalism, enhancement of quality life, primacy of public interest, competence and professional development (AustralianComputerSociety, 2017). With regards to this case, the CEO and managers should be honest about their product by accepting as true that it is not ready for launching. By wanting to launch their product when it is not yet ready, they are not demonstrating competence and are not highlighting on public interest. They also are not giving room to professional development by doing more remodeling for the AI systems. The car manufacturing company is therefore not upholding the ACS code of ethics. The AI consultant has already demonstrated honesty, competence, public interest and professional development by suggesting further AI systems remodeling. Ethical defense arguments for the AI consultant The ACS code of ethics demands that professionals who are members with the association follow certain rules as far as their skills and professions are concerned. Firstly, the AI consult is abiding by the code. He has reported to the company management that he doesnt think they should release the AI controlled cars. This demonstrates his honesty, competency, care for human life and that he is ready to do more research with further car AI systems makeover which would promote his professional development. By suggesting further AI testings, demonstrates that he cares about human life. This is because he knows that there would be a lot of risks if the cars dont know how to respond to situations that has to do with accidents life and death situations. Summarized case study ethical analysis In summary, as far as ethics and morality is concerned, for the AI consultant, the right thing to do in this case is to wait before signing off the project and advice on doing further car testing and redesigning. This way, he wouldnt have to live with regrets and his reputation as a professional would stand. Caring about public interest is important for the entire community. The ethical thing to do for the CEO and the managers is to heed the advice of the AI consultant. Although their product has been tested over a period of time. It is vital that they do this one more test to reduce the risks involved that could harm the public. The client is also required to be patient until the product is ready for the market, for his safety and for life enhancement of his fellow human beings. Conclusion The right professional conduct is important for all organizations. Work misconduct can make a business fail to achieve its defined business objectives. Employees should always demonstrate expertise in how they do their work and treat people directly attached to their work. By following the right code of ethics, professionals are able to demonstrate their competence and improve business productivity. References AustralianComputerSociety. (2017, August). Australian Computer Society . Retrieved from Fieser, J. (2017). Ethics. Retrieved from Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy: Valente, L. (2014, August 31). 10 Golden Rules To Professional Ethics In The Workplace. Retrieved from LinkedIn: YourDictionary. (2017). Ethical dilemma. Retrieved from

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